Private Coaching

Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays

19 October - 7 December 2024

Private Coaching

30-minute & 60 minute sessions

Private coaching with Adelaide Ballet Company Artistic Directors, tailored to your specific goals and development.
Available as individual or as a package of 8 sessions.
Suitable for advanced dancers, aged 14+

$60 per 30-minutes and $120 per 60-minutes

Individual Coachings

Coaching Packages

Note on Instructor Allocation

Allocation of instructors for individual private coaching is at the discretion of the Academy and takes into account the student’s current needs, instructor availability, and ongoing instructor-student relationships.

New students to the Academy (or their responsible adult) will be required to have a brief call with staff to ascertain standard and best fit. To book your new student call now use this link.

Build your own program

  • Private Ballet Coaching

    Receive individual attention in 30 or 60 minute private coachings.

  • Weekly Classes

    From open ballet, to pointe & virtuosity, and PBT - choose from a range of weekly classes to help you leap ahead.

  • Masterclasses

    Expand your horizons with Saturday Masterclasses in contemporary and partner work.

  • Seminars

    Snappy 60 minute Saturday Seminars to help you take care of body, mind, and beyond.

  • Career Advice

    Q & A sessions with Artistic Directors Sarah & Rejane. For all those career questions you have always wanted to ask.